An Acne Diet You Should Follow

For those who don’t know if there is a relationship between your acne condition and the foods you eat, let me tell you that there is. You might have heard that oily foods cause acne, but this isn’t entirely true. Oily foods have caused internal changes including high cholesterol levels, but they don’t really have a huge impact on the skin condition. When does oil affect skin conditions such as acne? The only time oil would affect your acne condition, is when you use cosmetic products that have animal fats, oils and additives. Most of the makeup products and skin care products on the market today have oils added to them.

One thing you should begin doing is purchase herbal skin care products that contain no oils or preservative chemicals. These additional chemicals and oils will only cause harm to your skin condition. For those who have acne, it is never a good idea to use tons of makeup. Makeup may seem like a great way to hide your acne, but it surely does not make things any better. The types of food you eat will affect your overall acne condition. The following are some of the foods you should and shouldn’t limit on a daily basis, if you intend on controlling your acne.

The calcium rich fluid we all love drinking could be bad for your acne condition. Milk has been a great addition to any breakfast meal, but it could lead to your acne getting worse than it already is. Since milk originally comes from cows, there is a significant amount of fat and hormones which could cause an imbalance in your acne condition. I am not saying that you should stop drinking milk, but it would help if you could limit your daily intake. If you are someone who drinks milk several times a day, it could be a problem for your acne.

The one type of oil that is considered to be a helper in your acne condition is Omega 3 fat oils. All types of fishes have this fish oil in them, and they have been known to prevent acne and keep skin looking fresh. Whether you are cooking the fish or simply having some sushi, it is considered to be great for your skin and overall health. Apart from the acne benefits of fish, you would also be taking in some much needed proteins.

Oranges and berries are two amazing types of fruits you should eat at least once a day. When I say berries, I mean all sorts of berries; whether it is strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries. Berries and oranges have high antioxidant content along with nutrients that help with skin development and acne prevention. By eating such fruits, you’ll be able to get rid of the bad skin cells, which allows for new skin development. During skin development, one thing you should do is drink lots of fluids. Water and concentrated juices are the best, as they give your body the hydration, vitamins and energy.

I hope this you can incorporate parts of this acne diet into your everyday meals, so that you can get rid of all the acne and live a young and healthy life.

The Good, Bad and Very, Very Ugly

Im a clean freak so as soon as I heard that years of gunk could be piled up in my intestines my immediate thought was how do I get it out of there?

The companies that make herbal supplements to flush out toxins say that their systems will make us feel younger, more energetic and even take off a couple extra pounds. The thing is, there is not much evidence to support that colon cleansing works or that it is even necessary.

So whos right?

During my research I compared ProductWatch.nets number one rated detox product, Enuvia, with eating a healthy diet. Enuvia is a product that cleanses not only the colon, but the liver and kidney as well.

Sold in pill form, it has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) or FTC (Fair Trade Commission). Many of those who have used it report feeling little change or feeling ill. One consumer reported a skin condition similar to eczema after using the product and one ended up going to the hospital for serious side effects. But there are still some who say they feel better and more energized after using the product.

Many colon cleansers promise weight loss for its users. This is something to watch out for because youll either be taking laxatives and losing water weight or not eating enough foods or the right foods to give your body all the nutrients it needs. Its true that you will lose weight, but you will gain it right back and there are many much more healthy options out there.

It is easy to see how difficult it can be to know if a colon cleanse product is safe. Thats why registered dietician, Martha McKittrick, RD, CDE, says that instead of taking potentially dangerous colon cleansing products, a diet high in fiber is sufficient to keep the digestive track healthy and does not have the side effects that some detox systems do, she said.

These side effects range anywhere from mild diarrhea to severe dehydration. This is where it becomes the most important to be careful about what system you use because you may end up in the hospital.

If you do decide to use a detox system, avoid the following as they are more likely to cause serious side effects. These are systems that:

Encourage you to drink salt water
Contain laxatives
Promise Weight Loss
Encourage fasting for long periods of time
Use enema to quicken the process
The body already has in place a system of flushing out toxins that will work perfectly when eating a healthy diet. The fact is cleansing the body periodically cannot make up for eating healthy all the time. If you are considering colon cleansing then consult with your doctor first about other options and be aware that there may be serious risks involved. And remember that the whole purpose of detoxing is to keep your body healthy. Dont sacrifice your health on the way to achieving it.

How an Ancient Asian Bushman Can Help You Lose Fatty Diabetic Weight

What Ancient Asian Bushmen Knew About Weight Loss

How would you like to lose those ugly, unhealthy, fatty, diabetic pounds, just by walking through a pristine, unpolluted field, plucking some berries from a bush, and popping them in your mouth?

That’s what Asian bushmen did, centuries ago, before there were any pharmaceutical companies and over-educated doctors telling them it wouldn’t work!

Over one thousand years in the past, these tribesmen went on long hunting expeditions that lasted weeks.

Food supplies could become scarce between animal killings. So before they went on their hunting excursions, they gathered a wild berry growing naturally on bushes.

The berry is called garcinia cambogia. It helped reduce the bushmen’s appetite, burn off body fat and keep them healthy. Sound too good to be true?

Modern Science Confirms Ancient Bushmen Weight Loss Wisdom

Well, it’s not too good to be true. In fact, recent studies conducted by over-educated physicians at well respected, modern day medical institutions, document that those ancient bushmen were on to something powerful!

According to studies conducted at Georgetown University Medical Center, UC Berkeley, Creighton and other well-respected medical institutions, the all-natural garcinia cambogia berry can help Type 2 diabetics to lose weight and help keep it off.

Harry Preuss, who oversaw clinical study on this berry at Georgetown University, noted that garcinia cambogia provides users with reduced appetites, loss of body fat (it doesn’t attack muscle), and provides 3X the weight loss of diet and exercise alone.

How To Lose Diabetic Weight Through Ancient Asian Bushman Wisdom

Garcina cambogia is available through various sources in the United States – you don’t have to seek out an Asian bushman to find a good source. But you do need to follow their wisdom by using pure, unadulterated or un-diluted dosages of this product. To do this, find a supplier that provides clinical dosages and conforms to USP and NF standards of manufacturing.